The Board recognizes the importance of keeping shareholders and investors informed of the Group’s businesses and corporate developments. The Board’s primary contact with major shareholders is via the Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Director, who have regular dialogue with institutional investors and deliver presentations to analysts and fund investors periodically.
The management had connected with many regional and Malaysian investors via limited physical meetings in KL on top of the many conference calls and/or video conferences (Zoom, Webex or Microsoft Teams Meeting) in replacement of the usual face-to-face meeting during the Covid-19 pandemic due to health safety measures and border-closures restrictions. Physical meetings and conferences are expected to gradually increase with the opening of Malaysian borders from May 2022.
The Group’s website, www.globetronics.com.my also serves as a forum to communicate with shareholders and investors and to provide information on the Group’s business activities. Information such as disclosures made to Bursa Malaysia (including interim and full year financial results, Annual Report and other announcements on relevanttransactions undertaken by the Group) and the Group’s business activities can be obtained from the website. Requests for information on the Company can be forwarded to the same website.
Announcements made by the Company to Bursa Malaysia are also accessible from www.bursamalaysia.com.
As there may be instances where investors and shareholders may prefer to express their concerns to an independent director, the Board has appointed Ms. Lam Voon Kean as the Independent Non-Executive Director to whom concerns may be directed. At all times, investors and shareholders may contact the Company Secretaries for information on the Company.